Pasión por el buen pescado

926 53 90 68

Cookies Policy

In compliance with the information duty contained in the second paragraph of Article 22 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, this cookie policy aims to inform you clearly and precisely about the cookies used on the INKIELE SL website.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small file that websites send to the browser and download to your computer. Cookies allow the website to store and retrieve information about your visit, such as your preferred language and other options, in order to improve the services offered and contribute to providing a better browsing experience for the user.

Types of cookies

Depending on who manages the domain from which cookies are sent and processes the data, they can be classified as first-party cookies or third-party cookies.

Cookies can also be classified according to the length of time they remain stored in the user’s browser, distinguishing between session cookies and persistent cookies.

Finally, depending on the purpose for which the collected information is processed, cookies can be classified into the following categories:

Technical cookies: These allow the user to browse a website and use some of the services offered by it (such as those used to remember the items in a shopping cart).

Personalization cookies: These allow the user to access the website with certain predefined characteristics, such as language.

Security cookies: These are used to prevent or hinder attacks against the website.

Cookies for sharing social content: These are known as plug-ins and allow content to be shared on social networks.

Analytics cookies: These allow the responsible party to monitor user behavior.

Advertising cookies: These allow the management of advertising spaces on the website.

Behavioral advertising cookies: Like the previous ones, these are used to manage advertising spaces on the website based on information collected about the user’s behavior and habits, adapting the advertising to the user’s profile.

Geolocation cookies: These are used to determine the country in which the user is located.

Authorization for the use of cookies

In accordance with the cookie notice that appears on the website, the user can expressly consent to the use of cookies that require consent; however, the use of technical or necessary cookies does not require consent. Notwithstanding all this, the user can modify their browser settings to reject the use of cookies.

How to modify cookie settings

You can restrict, block, or delete cookies from INKIELE SL or any other website using your browser. Each browser operates differently; you can find how to do this in the help menu of your browser where the procedure for deletion is established. For more information:

Google Chrome:

Mozilla Firefox:](


Internet Explorer:](

Disabling cookies may cause the website to not function properly or prevent access to certain features.

Cookies used on the website

Various types of cookies with different purposes are used on the website. Below, the cookies used are listed:

[List the cookies used here]

Modification of conditions

INKIELE SL expressly reserves the right to unilaterally modify, in whole or in part, without prior notice, this Cookie Policy. The user acknowledges and accepts that it is their responsibility to review this Cookie Policy.

Esta web utiliza cookies propias y de terceros que son necesarias para el análisis de la navegacion de los usuarios. Si continúas navegando, consideramos que aceptas su uso. +info

Los ajustes de cookies de esta web están configurados para "permitir cookies" y así ofrecerte la mejor experiencia de navegación posible. Si sigues utilizando esta web sin cambiar tus ajustes de cookies o haces clic en "Aceptar" estarás dando tu consentimiento a esto.
